Guess this rash…
There are a few types of dermatitis and they are classified into categories such as:
Atopic Dermatitis- is more than just itchy skin- think eczema, or dandruff, patches of dry, itchy skin. It is chronic and runs in families. Rashes/symptoms can come and go over months or years and can have multiple types (ie- eczema and dandruff) overlap.
symptoms include: itchy skin, rashes that ooze, weep fluid or bleed when scratched. You can create actual skin infections from bacteria entering through that compromised skin. Other symptoms can include: Lichenification (hardening and thickening of your skin) or dry and discolored skin.
Contact Dermatitis- this includes
1- Irritant Contact Dermatitis where the rash develops when your skin is exposed to something irritating such as a soap, metals, etc. or allergic dermatitis.
2- Allergic Dermatitis which is a delayed allergic reaction that develops 1-2 days after skin is exposed to allergens, such as poison ivy, topical antibiotics, or fragrances.
Unlike atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis doesn’t run in families. Instead, this type of eczema tends to pop up in individuals with hay fever or individuals who are exposed to irritants at work.
Symptoms of contact dermatitis include: itchy skin or blisters
Our provider will typically look at the pattern of the rash to help determine the type of dermatitis. They exam the onset of symptoms to determine if there is a new allergen that someone was exposed to and the location of the rash can help determine its type.
Our provider diagnosed this rash as…….Irritant Contact Dermatitis!