hormone therapy treatment

Why is Hormone Optimization Important?

Hormone evaluation is Now Available at Pediatric Care+

The goal of hormone optimization is to assess whether hormone levels in the body are below their optimal threshold and, if so, to treat this by developing a plan to improve hormone function.

Are You Experiencing a Hormone Imbalance?

For both men and women, hormones act as essential communicators between cells in our bodies and are responsible for regulating many of our bodies’ functional systems.

Hormone balance is essential for good health, energy, and happiness. Most women—about 85%—have at least one symptom that negatively impacts daily functioning. Low testosterone affects an estimated four to five million men in the United States.

Because hormones control anxiety, appetite, body temperature, brain function, heart rate, metabolism, mood, sleep cycles, sexual function, stress, urination, and really everything, imbalances (too low or too high) can lead to uncomfortable (at best) and disruptive symptoms.

couple hiking together
couple on hike in good health

Hormone Imbalance Systems

In efforts to improve the whole family health, Pediatric Care+ now helps to evaluate and manage hormones. Hormone consults are done with our family nurse practitioners.

If you experience any symptoms such as:

  • hot flashes
  • insomnia
  • fatigue
  • depression
  • decrease in muscle mass
  • loss of cognitive function
  • erectile dysfunction
  • low libido
  • loss of energy

You should consider meeting with one of our providers.

Many men and women find that through hormone optimization, the feel an increase in energy, they feel inspired to resume activities they had abandoned when they were suffering from the side effects of hormone loss. Patient can regain enjoyment from hobbies and work. Overall, patients often find that they have new motivation to live a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Does my insurance cover hormone evaluation and management?

We will bill your medical insurance and do our best to encourage insurance companies to cover costs for labs and treatment of hormones. Not all insurance carriers or plans will cover expense. Pediatric Care+ has teamed up with a contracted lab service to offer very low rates for those labs which are not covered. We strive to be transparent with fees associated with labs and treatments so that you can make decisions based on your health and financial plans. We also strive to provide care at the most reasonable rates!

Have a question or need to schedule an appointment?


Give us a call at (801) 377-8000 or fill out our form below! We will respond back to you within 24 business hours.