Do you feel overwhelmed just thinking about choosing a child for your pediatrician? You’re not alone. When a new child is born, your family relocates, or your children’s needs change in general, you have to think about finding a new health care provider that will take the best care of your children. Lots of families trust their family doctors, and they should because of the relationships that families build with their medical practitioners through the years of care. Pediatricians have invested in specialized medical training via a 3-year residency. This training allows them to understand what developmental patterns they must look for in healthy and sick children in order to treat and/or prevent medical conditions and illnesses in children.

Pediatric ADHD: Identifying ADHD

What Does ADHD Look Like in Children? Many people have misconceptions about what ADHD looks like in children. Oftentimes the picture of a child who frantically runs around the room comes to mind, but this is a great misconception about what ADHD looks like in a child. Many children with ADHD show problematic behavior when it comes to completing school…